Dental Services -Medical Card Holders at Wicklow Town Primary Care
Wicklow Town Primary Care, Glebe, Knockrobin, Wicklow, A67 K5C7
Location and directions - Google MapsOpening hours
Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
Dental Services -Medical Card Holders
Dental services for children are provided by dentists in local HSE dental clinics. This service is accessed through screening appointments in your child's primary school. ll children in certain classes in primary school and children with special needs are offered an appointment for a free dental exam. A follow up appointment will be made with your local HSE Dental Clinic if needed. Children outside of these classes will only be seen by the HSE Dental Clinic for emergency treatment. All children aged under 16 years of age are entitled to attend for emergency treatment. Call your local HSE Dental Clinic for dental emergency treatment. The Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) provides access to dental treatment for adult medical card holders (aged 16 or over). Medical card holders are entitled to a free dental examination in each calendar year, as well as any extractions that are required. One first-stage endodontic (root canal) treatment is also available each year for teeth at the front of the mouth. Two fillings are free in each calendar year. For a filling on a tooth that has already been filled in the last 5 years, the dentist must seek approval from the local HSE Principal Dental Surgeon detailing why it is clinically necessary to repeat the filling. Denture repairs, the control of haemorrhage and the issuing of prescriptions will be covered where required. All other treatments, including providing dentures, require the prior approval of the local HSE Principal Dental Surgeon.
Referrals and Appointments
Available To
Medical card holders
Who needs to refer you
School programme, self referral
Referral information
Consent pack
Internal directions
Please check in at reception and they will notify the dental service.
Service delivery type
Face to face
Catchment area
South Wicklow
Service location
This service is in Wicklow Town Primary Care.
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