Social Work at Skerries Health Centre
Skerries Health Centre, 58-59 Thomas Hand Street, Skerries, Dublin, K34 WK35
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Health and Social Care Community
Health and Social Care Community Services provide Community healthcare services locally within the community. These services are delivered to people in local communities through the HSE and its funded agencies
Social work services
The Primary Care Social Work Department provides short term intervention to individuals, families and groups. It works with service-users to improve quality of life through advocacy, empowerment, problem-solving and promoting positive change. Service-users are those with limited social supports with a significant health concern and complex social situation including: those with diminished capacity who are at risk, self-neglect, domestic violence, social isolation, adjusting to a life-limiting illness, future care planning, short-term emotional support, carer issues, parental support, relationship difficulties and life-changing situations such as palliative diagnoses, bereavement or trauma.
Service location
This service is in Skerries Health Centre.
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