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Public Health Nurse Parenting Programme at Tinahely Health Centre


Tinahely Health Centre, Barton Street, Ballinacor, Tinahely, Wicklow, Y14 AE67

Location and directions - Google Maps

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Parenting programme

Public health nursing is a community based service aimed at promoting and protecting community health. Public health nurses, community registered general nurses and health care attendants deliver care across the lifespan to individuals, families and communities .The focus of the service is to promote health and well-being, protect the public and provide clinical nursing care to the population through the delivery of high quality evidence-based practice. This service can be provided in the home or the clinic as appropriate. The Parents Plus Programme is a positive and practical course for parents of children aged 5 to 11 years. This service is delivered by the public health nursing team subject to demand and to the availability of staff and time constraints. The main objectives of this course are to: solve parenting problems in a positive way; manage difficult behaviour and discipline problems; develop a close and warm relationship with your children and enjoy being their parent.

Referrals and Appointments

Available To

Parent, guardian

Who needs to refer you

Self referral, PHN referral

Referral information

E-referral, referral letter, phone

Internal directions

Go to main reception and request public health nursing

Service delivery type

Face to face

Catchment area

Tinahely and surrounding areas

Service location

This service is in Tinahely Health Centre.

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