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Community Medical Doctors Primary Medical Certificates at Newtownmountkennedy Primary Care


Newtownmountkennedy Primary Care, Main Street, Town Centre, Newtownmountkennedy, Wicklow, A63 HD58

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. Closed Saturday and Sunday.

Primary medical certificates

Community child health receive child health referrals primarily from PHNS. Gp’s and other Primary care disciplines sometimes refer. Second Tier Audiometry clinics run for children over 4 years of age School immunisation program: Primary program: MMR and Tetanus diphtheria pertussis polio. Secondary program: HPV vaccine x 2 and Tetanus diphtheria pertussis with a second visit for HPV2 and Men ACWY. Immunisation Queries from public. Disabled drivers Primary Medical Certificate People with a permanent severe disability can apply for this Certificate which entitles them to tax exemptions on vehicle purchase. A Primary Medical Certificate is a document that you can use to confirm you are severely and permanently disabled and one of the following apply: You are completely or almost completely without the use of both legs. You are completely without the use of one of your legs and almost completely without the use of the other leg to the extent that you are severely restricted as regards movement in your legs. You are without both hands or both arms. You are without one or both legs. You are completely or almost completely without the use of both hands or arms and completely or almost completely without the use of one leg. You are a person with restricted growth syndrome (dwarfism) and have serious difficulties of movement of the legs.

Referrals and Appointments

Available To


Who needs to refer you

Public health nurses, self referral, GP, health and social care professionals

Referral information

Referral letter

Internal directions

Check in at the primary care reception on the first floor (lifts available). Take a seat in the waiting area. The receptionist will notify the relevant therapy of your arrival and a member of staff will meet you and direct you to the appropriate room for your appointment.

Service delivery type

Face to face

Catchment area

North Wicklow

Service location

This service is in Newtownmountkennedy Primary Care.

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