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Community Home Care Attendants at Bray Primary Care Centre


Bray Primary Care Centre, Killarney Road, Killarney Road, Wicklow, A98 KW13

Location and directions - Google Maps

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. Closed Sunday.

Community home care attendants

We are public health nurses (PHNs) and registered general nurses (RGNs) who work together to support and contribute to community services. We also work alongside other health and social care professionals as a team. You can expect a visit from any member of the nursing team. PHNs and RGNs are based in Health Centres and Primary Care Centres. Primary Care Centres provide many of the health or social care services that you find in your community, outside of the hospital setting. These services are provided by the primary care team, which includes doctors, social workers, nurses, therapists and others. We provide care in the home, the clinic and local schools. We may also use ‘telehealth’ for our consultations. Telehealth is a phone/video consultation (meeting) to check in to see how you are. As members of the primary care team, we aim to: Offer a wide range of services to you and your family Provide this care in the home, local clinics, primary care centres, schools, and at support groups. Provide integrated care in collaboration with your GP (doctor) and within the wider primary care team. promote health, well-being and social inclusion and prevent hospital admissions, Work with other agencies, such as Tusla (The child and family agency) and local services like homeless and addiction services.Home Care Attendants (HCA’S) form part of the Community Nursing team. HCA’s work in geographical areas and provide assistance with Personal Care – Showering and Bathing. Community Nursing is a discipline in its own right it is very much part of the Primary Care Team and liaising with other disciplines is crucial. Community Nurses/ PHN’s are a cog in the primary care team wheel, at the centre being the most important person of all – The Client.

Referrals and Appointments

Available To

Older persons

Who needs to refer you

GP, acute hospitals, PHN referral

Referral information

E-referral, referral letter, phone

Internal directions

Check in at the primary care reception on the first floor (lifts available). Take a seat in the waiting area. The receptionist will notify the relevant therapy of your arrival and a member of staff will meet you and direct you to the appropriate room for your appointment.

Service delivery type

Face to face

Catchment area

North Wicklow

Service location

This service is in Bray Primary Care Centre.

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