Nursing at Ballygall Health Centre Finglas
Ballygall Health Centre Finglas, Seamus Ennis Road, Finglas, Dublin, D11 C898
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Community Public Health Nursing Services
Public health nursing services deliver care across the lifespan to, individuals, families and communities. The focus of the service is to promote health and well-being, protect the public and provide clinical nursing care to the population through the delivery of high-quality evidence-based nursing care. Public health nurses work as part of a multidisciplinary team.
Public Health Nursing Services (Adults & Children)
Public health nursing is a community based service aimed at promoting and protecting community health. Public health nurses, community registered general nurses and health care attendants deliver care across the lifespan to individuals, families and communities. The focus of the service is to promote health and well-being, protect the public and provide clinical nursing care to the population through the delivery of high quality evidence-based practice. This service can be provided in the home or the clinic as appropriate.
Service location
This service is in Ballygall Health Centre Finglas.
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