Balbriggan Children’s Disability Network Team at Balbriggan Primary Care
Balbriggan Primary Care, 70 Dublin Street, Balbriggan, Dublin, K32 HC94
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Children's Disability
Children's disability services are for children and young people up to age 18 who have complex needs associated with their disability. Services are provided in children’s disability network teams. The teams have occupational therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists. Some teams also have access to dietitians, family support workers, nurses and social care workers.
Children’s Disability Network Team
Who your child sees and how often they see them will depend on your child's needs. The team will discuss this with you. Their aim is to support your child to thrive, grow and learn. They will also help your family to learn how to best support your child. Your family and the team will agree on a plan for your child. This is called an Individual Family Support Plan. It is based on your family's needs.
Referrals and Appointments
Available to
Children and young people aged 0 to 18 years with complex needs associated with their disability, including autism, intellectual disability, physical disability and sensory disability, who live in Balbriggan, Skerries, Rush and Lusk
Who needs to refer you
Parents can refer, GPs, public health nurse, hospital
Referral information
When a referral is received, health and social care professionals will look at the information you’ve provided. They use this to decide on the most appropriate service for your child. The service will then contact you and let you know what will happen next. They will provide you with support as soon as possible, but you may have to wait for some services.
Service location
This service is in Balbriggan Primary Care.
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