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Overview - Heavy periods

Heavy periods are common, but they can affect your everyday life.

You may have heavy periods if you:

  • have to change your sanitary products every hour or 2
  • pass blood clots larger than 2.5cm (about the size of a 50 cent coin)
  • bleed through to your clothes or bedding
  • need to use 2 types of sanitary product together (for example, tampons and pads)
  • have periods lasting more than 7 days

Non-urgent advice: Contact your GP if:

  • you're worried about your bleeding
  • your periods have become heavier
  • you have other symptoms, such as period pain or bleeding between your periods

Heavy bleeding

It's difficult to define a heavy period because menstrual bleeding varies. Heavy for 1 woman may be normal for another.

Heavy bleeding is 1 or both of the following:

  • bleeding that needs pads and tampons together or extra pads at night
  • periods that last longer than 7 days

Causes of heavy periods

For many people with heavy periods, there is no particular cause.

Some conditions of the womb and ovaries that can cause heavy periods are:

Other conditions that can cause heavy periods include:

Medical treatments can sometimes cause heavy periods, for example:

  • an IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device or 'the copper coil') - this can make your periods heavier for the first 3 to 6 months after being inserted
  • blood-thinning medicines
  • some medicines used for chemotherapy
  • some herbal supplements, such as ginseng, ginkgo and soya - these can affect your hormones and may affect your periods

Diagnosing heavy periods

Your GP will ask you about:

  • your heavy bleeding
  • any changes to your periods
  • any other symptoms you have - such as bleeding between your periods or period pain

You may need:

Diagnosing heavy periods

Treating heavy periods

There are many treatment options for heavy periods.

These depend on:

  • the cause of your heavy periods
  • your general health
  • your preferences

Treatment for heavy periods include:

  • an intrauterine system (IUS) - this is often the first treatment offered
  • medicines without hormones - such as tranexamic acid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • medicines with hormones - such as the combined oral contraceptive pill or progestogen tablets
  • endometrial ablation - a procedure to remove the lining of the womb
  • myomectomy - surgery to remove fibroids
  • uterine artery embolisation - a procedure to shrink fibroids
  • hysterectomy - surgery to remove the womb

Treating heavy periods

Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE

Page last reviewed: 16 August 2024
Next review due: 16 August 2027

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 123.