The breast screening register is a list of people we invite to have a free breast screening test.
Most people who are eligible for screening are already on our register - we get details from the Department of Social Protection.
But there’s a chance we have your old contact details or that you're not automatically on the register.
If you have not had breast screening in Ireland before, make sure to:
- check that you are on the breast screening register
- give us your correct contact details
You can do this from age 48, but we will wait till you are over 50 to invite you for breast screening.
When you will be offered a breast screen
Why we need your correct contact details
We use your details to:
- invite you to join the BreastCheck programme
- send you an appointment letter
- tell you when your results are ready
Breast screening and your personal information
If your details change
If you're on the register, update your details as soon as possible when they change. For example, if you move address.
If you have returned to Ireland after living in another country, check you are still on the register. Enter your contact details to make sure we can contact you.
How to check, join and update the register
To check you are on the register you need:
- your PPS number
- date of birth
To join the breast screening register you also need to:
- live in Ireland
- have a PPS number
If you want to opt out of the register
We can check if you're on the breast screening register, add you to it or update your details for you.
Freephone: 1800 45 45 55
You can check, join and update the breast screening register online.
To do any of these:
- Go to the breast screening register.
- Enter your PPS number and date of birth.
- Enter your contact details.
We use the details you enter to add you to the breast screening register.