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Day Services at Rathdrum Primary Care Centre


Rathdrum Primary Care Centre, Balleese Lower, Rathdrum, Wicklow, A67 KX33

Location and directions - Google Maps

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. By appointment only.

Day Services

The team work with school leavers and adults with a disability who require guidance and support in accessing primarily HSE funded training or adult day services in their community. New Directions is the HSE's approach to supporting adults with disabilities who use day services in Ireland. New Directions sets out twelve supports that should be available to people with disabilities using 'day services'. It proposes that 'day services' should take the form of individualised outcome-focussed supports to allow adults using those services to live a life of their choosing in accordance with their own wishes, needs and aspirations.

Referrals and Appointments

Available To

Adults and school leavers with a physical/intellectual disability /autism. The team also support individuals with mental health needs who may wish to access training programmes.

Who needs to refer you

School principle, public health nurse, health and social care professional, family

Referral information

School leavers are referred prior to their final year of education by the school Principal for inclusion in the HSE profiling exercise by the team for onward referral to HSE funded adult day or training services. Non-school leaver referrals can also be made using the standard referral form via email. Referrals are accepted from individuals themselves or from schools, families, and clinical teams with the individual’s consent.

Catchment area

South Wicklow

Service location

This service is in Rathdrum Primary Care Centre.

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