MRI at University Hospital Limerick
University Hospital Limerick, St Nessan's Road, Dooradoyle, Limerick, V94 F858
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Radiology uses medical imaging to diagnose and treat diseases. The radiology department provides a range of services including: breast ultrasound, cath lab, CT scans, endoscopy, fluoroscopy, hybrid theatre vascular imaging, interventional radiology therapy, mammogram, MRI scans, nuclear medicine, obstetric ultrasound, ultrasound and x-ray.
An MRI scan uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body. It is often used to diagnose health conditions that affect organs, tissue and bone. The device that carries out MRI scans is known as an MRI scanner. The scanner consists of a large tube that contain a series of powerful magnets. The scanner is illuminated and remains open at both ends at all times. During an MRI scan, you lie inside the tube. A radiographer will use a computer in a different room to perform your scan.
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Internal directions
Ground floor, main hospital corridor
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This service is in University Hospital Limerick.
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