After a caesarean, you will have to wait for your wound to heal before doing some physical activities.
For at least the first 6 weeks, try to avoid:
- lifting anything heavier than your baby
- pulling yourself up into a sit up position from bed
- high effort exercise
It can take around 12 weeks for your wound to heal properly.
How to get active after a caesarean
When you feel ready, you can start:
- pelvic floor exercises
- walking - start without pushing your baby's pram or buggy
Focus on your posture
During pregnancy, your tummy muscles stretch and get longer. This can affect your posture. As soon as you have your baby, focus on correcting your posture.
This will help:
- your tummy muscles strengthen to support your scar
- ease back pain
How to correct your posture after pregnancy
High effort activity
You will need to wait 3 to 4 months after your baby is born to do high effort activities.
High effort activity includes:
- fitness training - such as aerobics classes or high-resistance exercise machines
- running or jogging
- jumping
- team sports
- lifting heavy weights
- swimming
Only start high effort activity if:
- your scar is healing and has not been a cause for concern
- you have been building up your strength with gentle activity and pelvic floor exercises
Start high effort activity at a beginner's level.
Non-urgent advice: Talk to you GP if you are:
- unsure if you are ready to get active again
- uncomfortable doing exercise after a caesarean