Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to whatever is happening in the present moment and experiencing it without judgement.
Anyone can practice mindfulness. It is easy to fit into your day. You can do it 1 minute at a time.
Benefits of mindfulness
Being aware of the present moment can help you enjoy the world around you more.
Mindfulness helps you:
- focus on the present and what's happening right at this moment
- weaken old and unhelpful thinking habits
How to be more mindful
Taking notice of your thoughts, feelings, sensations and the world around you is the first step to being more mindful.
Ways you can be more mindful on a daily basis:
- Notice the everyday, such as the air you breathe and the food you eat.
- Pick the same time each day when you can be aware of the world around you.
- Try something new like sitting in a different seat in meetings.
- Gentle walking or yoga can help you cope if you have an over-busy mind.
- Name thoughts and feelings - for example, 'this is anxiety'.
- Free yourself from thinking constantly about the past and future.
Read more about relaxation and mindfulness on the Beaumont Hospital website
Learn more about mindfulness from HSE's Minding Your Wellbeing Programme