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The most important person caring for your health and type 2 diabetes is you. The choices that you make every day have a huge impact on how you treat your diabetes.

Diabetes can affect many aspects of your life. It is important you get a chance to learn how to treat and care for your diabetes. This is known as self-management or self-care.

Self-management is very much a team effort. You will be supported by your GP, practice nurse and diabetes team. There is a lot of help and support available.

You are the key person in managing your diabetes and will be involved in the decisions about your treatment.

The treatment that works for type 2 diabetes includes:

Making these healthy choices will help you feel better. It will help treat and manage your blood glucose levels, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Diabetes support courses

The HSE supports a number of courses for adults with type 2 diabetes. These courses are free. Your GP may recommend you take part in one of them as part of your treatment.

Book your free place on a diabetes support course.

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2020
Next review due: 1 August 2023

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 9.