Maternal sepsis is the name for sepsis that develops during pregnancy or up to 6 weeks (42 days) after:
- the birth
- a miscarriage
- an abortion
Maternal sepsis is rare, but it can be life threatening.
If you have an infection
If you have an infection, know the signs of sepsis. It’s important to get treatment early if you need it.
You can only develop sepsis if you have an infection.
Emergency action required: Call 999 or 112, or go to ED if:
you or someone you look after have any of these signs of sepsis:
- acting confused, slurring their speech, not making sense or not their usual self
- difficulty breathing, breathlessness or breathing very fast
- feel pounding in their chest
- their hands or feet feel cold, clammy and pale
- feels dizzy, faint or loses consciousness (passes out)
- not peeing as much as normal – for example, not peeing for a day
- a rash that does not fade when you roll a glass over it, in the same way you check for meningitis
- severe muscle pain
- have severe leg pain or difficulty standing
- are extremely unwell or feel like there's something seriously wrong
- are taking antibiotics for an infection and are not getting any better
You may not have all these symptoms. Even if you have just one, get urgent medical help.
Do not worry if you're not sure if it's sepsis – it's still best to get urgent help.
Be aware if you have an infection
You may be more at risk of becoming very unwell due to an infection when you are pregnant. This is because your immune system changes during pregnancy.
Complications from viral infections, such as the flu or COVID-19, can sometimes be serious when you are pregnant.
Urgent advice: Contact your GP, midwife or doctor if:
you are pregnant or have recently been pregnant and:
- have any signs of an infection
Risk factors during and after pregnancy
Most pregnant women are young and healthy. This helps protect them from sepsis. But there are some things which increase the risk of sepsis.
You may be at extra risk of sepsis if you are pregnant and:
- have had a cervical cerclage (stitch in cervix to prevent miscarriage)
- you have had an amniocentesis (a test to take fluid from around the fetus)
- you have had a recent pelvic infection
- your waters have broken early or longer than 24 hours ago
- part of the placenta or membranes remain in the womb after delivery
- you've been in close contact with someone who has or recently had Group A Streptococcal (strep throat) - Group A Strep can be a danger to pregnant women
- had recent surgery
- had a caesarean birth or an assisted vaginal birth
- have an existing medical condition or any of the other factors that can put you at higher risk of sepsis
Other types of infection commonly associated with sepsis
How to help prevent infection and sepsis
It's not always possible to prevent maternal sepsis.
There are things you can do to help prevent infections that can lead to sepsis.
wash your hands regularly and keep yourself clean
keep your home clean, particularly your bathrooms
change sanitary pads regularly
keep up to date with vaccines needed during pregnancy
clean and care for any wounds
be aware if you are in close contact with someone who has strep throat (group A strep) - if you feel unwell, contact your GP, doctor or midwife urgently
do not ignore symptoms of sepsis
do not delay getting medical help if you are feeling unwell
do not touch your face, nose and eyes unless your hands have been washed properly