HSE Your Service Your Say is our process to listen and respond to your feedback about our services. Your feedback might be a comment, compliment or complaint.
Your feedback helps us to improve our services and provide safe and high-quality care and treatment.
Comments, compliments and complaints
You can share your experience of using our services in a number of ways. You can give feedback on what worked, could improve or did not work.
In person
Tell the people caring for you today. They will try to help you straight away.
Complete the online feedback form.
By email
Email us at yoursay@hse.ie
By phone
Phone HSE Your Service Your Say on 1800 424 555, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
From a mobile or outside of Ireland phone +353 1 642 4555.
Outside of these hours, you can contact HSE Live.
In writing
You can send a letter or completed feedback form to the HSE service you want to give feedback on. For example a hospital, or primary care centre.
To send us your letter or form:
- use the feedback box at one of our locations
- give it to a member of staff
- ask a staff member for the right postal address for that service
- post it to HSE Your Service Your Say
HSE Your Service Your Say,
Oak House,
Limetree Avenue,
Millennium Park,
Co. Kildare,
W91 KDC2
Our feedback form is available in 24 languages. You can ask for a paper form at any of our locations. You can also download it from this page.
Through a complaints officer
There are complaints officers across the HSE. A member of staff can give you the contact details of the complaints officer for the service you want to complain about.
List of HSE complaints officers
Making a complaint for someone else
If you're not able to give feedback yourself, ask a relative, carer or advocate to do this for you.
Other support and advocacy
You may be able to get help and support to give feedback through different advocacy services.
These include advocacy services for people with different health conditions, age, ability or ethnic minority.
Patient Advocacy Service
If you need help to make a formal complaint about a public acute hospital or nursing home, you can get help from the Patient Advocacy Service.
Phone: 0818 293 003
Email: info@patientadvocacyservice.ie
Office of the Confidential Recipient
You can also report a concern about a vulnerable older adult or person with a disability in the care of the HSE.
You can do this through the Office of the Confidential Recipient. A confidential recipient is a person who can act as a voice for vulnerable older people and people with a disability.
Comments and compliments
A comment could be a suggestion to improve the service. It can also be an observation you made or something that we could learn from.
You can also give a compliment. For example, what a service or our staff did well.
Include details of:
- what happened and when
- who was involved
- where it took place
We will share your feedback with the service or person.
Making a complaint
You may have had a poor experience and told a member of staff or the person providing your care, for example by phone or in person.
If they cannot help within 48 hours they will ask you if you want to have your complaint looked at by a complaints officer. They can send your complaint to them for you.
Making a complaint about other services
If you want to make a complaint about a service that is not part of the HSE, contact the service directly.
This includes:
- voluntary service providers
- private service providers
- services that get HSE funding
For example:
- GPs
- dentists
- private nursing homes
- voluntary hospitals
- day services
- other health and social care services
They will investigate your complaint. You can ask them about their complaints policy and process.
HSE Your Service Your Say feedback forms
We have information and feedback forms in 24 languages.
Your service your say feedback form (PDF, 570 KB, 12 pages)
Your service your say feedback form - under 18 (PDF, 590 KB, 12 pages)