We offer free and confidential health services to women in the sex industry.
Our service is for all women, cis and transgender.
For example, if you:
- have sex with people for money, goods or other things
- do escorting, prostitution, lap dancing, pornography or other sex work
- are experiencing exploitation in the sex industry
We can help you access the healthcare you need.
Our team has a lot of experience caring for people in the sex industry. We will respect you and your privacy.
You do not need any identification or documents to use this service.
GP and sexual health clinics
Our clinics are open on Mondays and Thursdays.
You can get free:
- full sexual health checks
- blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis
- vaccinations including hepatitis
- cervical screening for HPV - we take a sample of cells from your cervix for testing
- contraception - this can be as pills, a patch, injections or an implant
- care for general medical issues
We can also prescribe medicine to reduce the risk of getting HIV (PrEP). Who would benefit from PreEP
If you need care that we cannot provide, we can refer you to other services. We will ask you before we do that.
Mental health support
Talk to a professional in private about your mental health. Our psychologist has a free service on Thursdays. You do not need to make an appointment.
They can give you:
- information about mental health difficulties
- help you learn ways to manage stress
- refer you to other support services
Mental health supports and services
Advice and help
Other things we can help with include:
- free condoms at the clinic or sent by post
- free period products
- advice on safer sex and staying safe
- information on legal and immigration issues
- options if you want to leave a difficult situation
- referrals to government and non-profit organisations
- help talking to the Gardaí (the Irish police force)
Book a clinic appointment
Our clinics for women in the sex industry are open on Mondays and Thursdays.
Clinic times:
- Monday, 2pm to 4.30pm
- Thursday, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Phone: 01 795 8280
WhatsApp message: 087 330 2584
When you book an appointment, tell us:
- if you need an interpreter
- your contact number
Contact us if you want to change your appointment or you cannot come to your appointment.
Find us
Meath Primary Care Campus,
Heytesbury Street,
Dublin 8,
D08 HX9
Find sexual health clinics in Ireland at HSE STI services in Ireland - sexualwellbeing.ie
What to expect at our clinics
Find out what to expect when you attend a clinic.
Before your appointment
Our staff might call you before your appointment. They'll ask about the services you need.
When you arrive
When you get here, we will welcome you and check your contact details. You do not need to bring any identification or documents.
You can get free period products and read information leaflets while you wait to see the team.
Who you will meet
During your first visit, someone from our social team will meet with you. They will share more information about the service. After that, you can talk to the doctor or nurse.
If you want to talk about your mental health with our psychologist ask any staff member.
Treatment and test results
We can give some treatments at the clinic. The doctor might give you a prescription for other treatments.
If your test results show that you do not need treatment, we will send you a text message.
We will call you if you need:
- more tests
- other treatment
Remote appointments
You can have some appointments by video or telephone. For example, if the appointment is for minor illnesses or repeat prescriptions.
Sex trafficking
Selling sexual services is not illegal in Ireland.
The law on selling or buying sex - citizensinformation.ie
If you think you, or someone you know are being forced into the sex industry or trafficked for sex, you can talk to us.
You might:
- want to stop selling sex, but are afraid or cannot leave
- want to tell us that someone forced you into selling sex
- live where you work or are taken to work by security or an agent
- have a pimp, agent or manager in the sex industry
- work in a place where people are often pressured into sex for money, for example a strip club, bar, cantina, or massage business
- be watched by a partner or someone else who controls you, your money, your phone or your movements
- be asked to have sex for rent, accommodation or drugs
- be put in situations where you had no choice have sex for money or other things
We can help you get services and support.
Contact the Gardaí if you are:
- in danger
- a victim of a crime
- forced to be in the sex industry
Call 112 or 999 in an emergency.