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Finding the right nursing home

Choosing a nursing home is an important decision. Finding one that's right for you can take time.

Researching different nursing homes

Public long-stay residential care is provided in HSE nursing homes.

Private long-stay residential care is provided in private nursing homes.

All nursing homes are regulated by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA).

Find a nursing home in your area -

Look at a few nursing homes before choosing one. Make an appointment to visit the nursing homes before making a decision.

Contact your preferred nursing home as soon as possible. You'll need to see if they have a place available and can meet your care needs. They may have a waiting list.

If the nursing home you want does not have space, you can go to a different one temporarily. You can then apply for a transfer when space becomes available in your preferred nursing home.

If you are helping someone to apply for nursing home care, involve them as much as you can in the decision. Consider their preferences and personal values before choosing a nursing home.

Help with nursing home care costs

You can apply for funding from the Fair Deal scheme. This can help with your nursing home costs.

The Fair Deal financial assessment will tell you how much you will pay towards the total cost of nursing home care. We will pay the balance.

Your payment will be the same for all approved nursing homes.

Approved nursing homes

Find a list of approved nursing homes and their prices:

Some nursing homes may charge extra fees. Ask your nursing home what extra fees will need to be paid. These will need to be agreed and included in your contract with the nursing home.

Nursing home inspection reports

All nursing homes are inspected by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA).

Inspection reports -

Get support

Contact your local nursing homes support office

Page last reviewed: 1 September 2022