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St Luke's General Hospital Carlow Kilkenny


Freshford Road, Kilkenny City, Kilkenny, R95 FY71

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Visiting hours

Maternity unit

Support partners can visit from:

  • 10am to midday
  • 6pm to 8pm

Support partners may also attend:

  • early pregnancy assessment unit (EPAU)
  • booking and anomaly ultrasounds
  • antenatal clinics for high-risk cases
  • maternity unit (for induction, early labour, or caesarean)
  • special care baby unit (SCBU) by appointment

Support partners can also attend in some other circumstances. Check with the maternity unit.

Emergency department

There is no visiting allowed in the emergency department.

Protect yourself and others

Do not visit a hospital if you have any symptoms of cold, flu, COVID-19, or any viral illness.

Clean your hands regularly and use hand sanitiser

You may be asked to wear a face mask and PPE in parts of the hospital.


The car park is at the back of the hospital. The entrance and exit have one-way systems.

Parking is €4 a day. The first 30 minutes are free.

If you are visiting more than once a day, pay the €4 and bring your ticket to the Security Office. They will give you a multi-pass.

There are designated areas for drivers with a disability. A relevant parking permit must be displayed.

There are age-friendly parking spaces available near the main entrance.

There are set-down only spaces at the North Entrance.

Cars may be clamped if they are parked in the wrong place.


  • cafe
  • car park
  • chapel
  • restaurant
  • shop
  • vending machine
  • wifi


Pastoral care

Everyone is welcome to visit the oratory near the main entrance for prayer or meditation.

Roman Catholic priests and Church of Ireland ministers are available day and night. Arrangements can be made for visits by other denominations. You can make arrangements with your own clergyman to visit.

Weekday mass times

Mass is at 10am every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in St Luke’s Oratory. There is no mass on Thursdays.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is every:

  • Wednesday, 10.15am to 11.15am
  • Friday, 10.15am to 4.30pm

Both periods of Adoration end with a short communal prayer.

Patients at the hospital are welcome to attend the ceremonies. You must tell a staff member on your ward that you are going to the oratory.

Weekend mass times

  • Saturdays at 8pm in St Luke’s Oratory
  • Sundays at 9am in St Luke’s Oratory
  • Sundays at 11am in the Department of Psychiatry

The oratory is open 24 hours a day, every day. All patients and their families are welcome.

The Chaplaincy Department provides Communion to all wards:

  • Monday to Saturday at 10.15am
  • Sundays at 9.45am


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