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Cork University Hospital


Wilton Road, Wilton, Cork, T12 DC4A

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Visiting hours


Visiting times are:

  • 2pm to 4pm
  • 6pm to 8pm

Patients can have 1 visitor at a time.

Before you visit, phone the hospital to check if:

  • you can visit
  • children can visit

Protect yourself and others

Do not visit a hospital if you have any symptoms of cold, flu, COVID-19, or any viral illness.

Clean your hands regularly and use hand sanitiser

You may be asked to wear a face mask and PPE in parts of the hospital.

Getting here

From Cork City by bus

The hospital is serviced by the 201, 205, 208, 216, 214, 219 and 220 bus routes.

The 205 and 220 bus routes stop at Bishopstown Avenue, which is a 5-minute walk to the hospital.

From Cork County by bus

The hospital is serviced by the 236, 237 and 239 bus routes.

There is a taxi phone by the main reception.


Parking costs €2.70 an hour. There is a maximum charge of €15 a day. Patients, carers and visitors can get a reduced rate of €10 a day. Contact the Security Department for more information.

Ticket machines accept cash and cards.

Disabled parking is available outside the:

  • main hospital entrance
  • Emergency Department


  • car park
  • chapel
  • restaurant
  • shop



Contact the Patient Accounts Department about:

  • paying a bill
  • any hospital charges

Phone 1: 021 492 0954
Phone 2: 021 492 0955
Phone 3: 021 492 0950
Phone 4: 021 492 0980
Phone 5: 021 492 0952

Phone lines are open Monday to Sunday, 11am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 3pm.

Pastoral care

Chaplains provide support to you and your family.

The chaplains are available to people of all faiths and none.

To request a chaplain, ask your nurse to make contact. You can also contact a chaplain through the hospital switchboard.

Phone: 021 492 2000

The hospital chapels are open at all times for prayer and reflection.

Chapel of Christ our Saviour (Catholic)

The chapel is on the first floor near the main lifts.

Chapel of Christ the Healer (Church of Ireland)

The chapel is along the main concourse on the first floor.


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