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Weaning – starting your baby on solid food education session at Carnew Primary Care Centre


Carnew Primary Care Centre, Gorey Road, Carnew, Wicklow, Y14 PY64

Location and directions - Google Maps

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. By appointment only.


The aim of this session is to support all parents on the journey of when and how to introduce solid foods to your baby. These sessions guide parents through the weaning process including what it all means, when and how to start weaning your baby to solid foods and giving confidence and support in this process. It may include a practical demonstration on the stages of weaning.

Referrals and Appointments

Who needs to refer you

Self Referral PHN Referral

Referral information

E-referral Referral letter Medical records X-rays Scans Medical list

Internal directions

Go to main reception and request public health nursing

Service delivery type

Face to Face

Catchment area

Carnew and surrounding areas

Service location

This service is in Carnew Primary Care Centre.

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