Services for Adults and Older People at Bray Primary Care Centre
Bray Primary Care Centre, Killarney Road, Killarney Road, Wicklow, A98 KW13
Location and directions - Google MapsPhone
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. By appointment only.
Services for adults and older people
These services include wound care, injections and end-of-life care in the home. We accept individuals referred to us from their GP (own doctor) and acute hospitals (hospitals that provide medical and surgical services). You may need to satisfy eligibility conditions to use our clinical services. You may also self-refer. We provide guidance and information about how best to plan your care. We do this after a full nursing assessment. We support, monitor, and assess your care. We assess and provide treatment to people after they have left acute hospitals. We identify and support applications for home support services like homecare packages. We provide health protection and health promotion information and advice to individuals, families and groups. We provide palliative and end-of-life care and community oncology (cancer) care. We have specialist nurses for managing wounds. In some regions, we also provide continence care (help with toilet-related matters). Many areas have specialist palliative teams. We provide support to people with disabilities.
Referrals and Appointments
Available To
Who needs to refer you
GP, acute hospitals, PHN referral
Referral information
E-referral, referral letter, phone
Catchment area
North Wicklow
Service location
This service is in Bray Primary Care Centre.
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