Occupational Therapy Adult Service at Bray Primary Care Centre
Bray Primary Care Centre, Killarney Road, Killarney Road, Wicklow, A98 KW13
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Opening hours
Monday to Saturday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. Closed Sunday.
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy aims to improve people's ability to do everyday tasks if they're having difficulties. It can help you with practical tasks if you are recovering from an illness or operation. Occupational therapists can look at all aspects of daily life in your home, school or workplace. They look at activities you find difficult and see if there's another way you can do it.
Occupational therapy adult service
This service provides assessment and intervention for people aged 18 and over. Individuals who experience functional difficulties that impact upon their independence with activities of daily living, including: self-care; functional mobility and transfers; productivity; leisure. The occupational therapist will determine if advice, activity adaptation, assistive equipment or environmental changes would be the best way to increase a person’s functional independence.
Referrals and Appointments
Available To
Who needs to refer you
GP, hospital, PHN, health professional
Internal directions
Check in at the primary care reception on the first floor (lifts available). Take a seat in the waiting area. The receptionist will notify the relevant therapy of your arrival and a member of staff will meet you and direct you to the appropriate room for your appointment.
Service delivery type
Face to face
Catchment area
North Wicklow
Service location
This service is in Bray Primary Care Centre.
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