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Getting diagnosed

Type 2 diabetes is often diagnosed following blood or urine tests for something else.

You should see your GP straight away if you have any symptoms of diabetes.

To find out if you have type 2 diabetes, you will need to talk to your GP about your symptoms.

They will arrange a blood test to check your blood glucose (sugar) levels. It usually takes a few days for the results to come back.

The results of your test will show whether you have:

  • no diabetes
  • type 2 diabetes
  • pre-diabetes - this is a stage before type 2 diabetes

If you have Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes your GP will advise you on the best treatment options.

If you're diagnosed with diabetes

Your GP or practice nurse will discuss your diagnosis with you. What they say will depend on if you have other existing medical conditions.

Usually, they'll talk to you about:

After your diagnosis

Usually after your diagnosis:

  • you may need to change your diet, be more active and consider losing some excess weight if necessary
  • your GP may prescribe medicine - it can take time to get used to the medicine and to find the right dose for you
  • you'll have regular type 2 diabetes check-ups with your GP or practice nurse, at least twice a year
  • you'll be told to look out for any new changes in your body and to tell your GP or practice nurse

Treating diabetes

If you have questions about your diagnosis

It can be difficult to take in everything your GP tells you during the appointment. Take notes and bring a family member or friend to your appointment if it helps you.

Talk to family and friends about what your GP told you and write down any questions you have. Bring the list of questions to your next appointment.

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2020
Next review due: 1 August 2023

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 9.