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Doing a type 1 diabetes course

Diabetes self-management education and support courses are encouraged for everyone with type 1 diabetes. It does not matter how long you have been diagnosed.

The courses are free. Talk to your diabetes team about what's available through your diabetes service.

People who do a course have more stable blood glucose (sugar) levels and fewer health problems. Many people who have attended these courses describe them as life changing.

A course can help you:

  • feel more confident about managing your diabetes
  • get more in-target blood glucose levels
  • get more skilled at managing your blood glucose levels
  • be more flexible with your food and drink

Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) course

In a Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) course you learn how to count carbs and adjust insulin.

Learning these skills helps you to

  • manage your diabetes
  • lead a more flexible life
  • reduce the risk of health problems linked to diabetes

DAFNE is a group education programme. You can do it online or face-to-face.

Face-to-face courses run for 5 days.

This could be either:

  • 5 consecutive days
  • 1 day per week for 5 weeks

Online DAFNE courses run over 5 weeks. They involve a mix of online learning with virtual group sessions.

DAFNE is available in over 20 diabetes centres in Ireland. Ask your diabetes if it is available near you.

Find a DAFNE coure -

Other videos about counting carbohydrates

If you cannot access a DAFNE course, there are online videos and courses that cover similar information.

You can watch them on your phone, tablet, desktop or laptop.

BERTIE is an online type 1 diabetes course -

Diabetes UK has a range of courses for people with type 1 diabetes -

Courses about counting carbohydrates:

Page last reviewed: 17 October 2023
Next review due: 17 October 2026

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 9.