Newborn hearing screening helps check if your baby has permanent hearing loss in one or both ears.
Almost all babies in Ireland are offered the screening test.
This means that you and your baby can get the support and advice you need as early as possible.
Test within 1 month of birth
Your baby will usually have their hearing screening test in hospital before they're 1 month old.
This will either be:
- before they're discharged from hospital
- at a hospital outpatient clinic
If you have a home birth, your public health nurse (PHN) will arrange an outpatient appointment with your local newborn hearing screening service.
If the screening test does not show a clear response from both ears, your baby will be given a second screening test. This will usually happen in hospital before they're discharged.
What happens during newborn hearing screening
Why we screen babies for hearing loss
It's very rare that babies are born with hearing loss. But spotting hearing problems early means we can treat babies more effectively.
Most babies born in Ireland have no problems with hearing. But 1 or 2 babies in every 1,000 will be diagnosed with hearing loss in one or both ears.
The hearing screening test identifies babies with hearing loss at an early stage.
This helps to:
- improve the long-term outcomes for children and their development
- provide parents with support and information
That's why we screen your baby when they're less than 1 month old.
We screen about 5,000 babies every month.
If your baby is not offered the screening test
In rare cases, we do not screen some babies for hearing loss at birth.
Your baby may not be offered the screening if they:
- were born with congenital atresia (narrowing of the ear canal)
- have suspected or confirmed bacterial meningitis
- spent more than 6 months in the special care baby unit and are not well enough to be screened
- are receiving end-of-life care
In most of these cases your baby will be referred for a diagnostic hearing test.
If your baby is receiving end-of-life care, a decision will be made with you about screening.
If your baby misses their test
Talk to your public health nurse if your baby did not have a screening test. They can arrange an appointment if your baby needs one.
The test can be done up to 3 months of age.
Translated newborn hearing screening information
We have 4 leaflets on newborn hearing screening that are available in 13 languages:
- Your Baby's Visit to the Audiology Hearing Clinic
- Your Baby's Hearing Screening Test
- Your Baby's Hearing Screening Test for babies who have received special or intensive care NICU
- Childhood Hearing Checklist
Irish (Gaeilge)
- Cuairt do Leanbh ar an gClinic Éisteolaíochta (Clinic na gCluas) (PDF, 671 KB, 8 pages)
- Scagthástáil Éisteachta do Leanbh (PDF, 243 KB, 8 pages)
- Scagthástáil Éisteachta do Leanbh Do leanaí a fuair sainchúram nó dianchúram (NICU) (PDF, 223 KB, 8 pages)
- Liosta Seiceála d'Éisteacht na hÓige (PDF, 324 KB, 2 pages)
French (Français)
- Consultation de votre bébé à la clinique d'audiologie (clinique de l'audition) (PDF, 685 KB, 8 pages)
- Test de dépistage de la surdité chez votre bébé (PDF, 258 KB, 8 pages)
- Destiné aux bébés qui ont reçu des soins spéciaux ou intensifs (en unité de soins intensifs néonatals) (PDF, 239 KB, 8 pages)
- Liste de contrôle de l'audition pendant l'enfance (PDF, 323 KB, 2 pages)
German (Deutsche)
Latvian (Latvietis)
- Jūsu bērna vizīte Audioloģijas klīnikā (Dzirdes klīnikā) (PDF, 634 KB, 8 pages)
- Jūsu mazuļa dzirdes skrīninga tests (PDF, 229 KB, 8 pages)
- Jūsu mazuļa dzirdes skrīninga tests Mazuļiem, kas saņēmuši speciālo vai intensīvo aprūpi (NICU) (PDF, 208 KB, 8 pages)
- Bērna dzirdes kontrolsaraksts (PDF, 318 KB, 2 pages)
Lithuanian (Lietuvis)
- Kūdikio apsilankymas audiologijos klinikoje (klausos klinika) (PDF, 635 KB, 8 pages)
- Kūdikio klausos patikra (PDF, 213 KB, 8 pages)
- Kūdikio klausos patikra Kūdikiams, kuriems suteikta specialioji arba intensyvioji priežiūra (NICU) (PDF, 208 KB, 8 pages)
- Vaiko klausos kontrolinis sąrašas (PDF, 318 KB, 2 pages)
Polish (Polskie)
- Wizyta z dzieckiem w poradni audiologicznej (poradni badania suchu) (PDF, 660 KB, 8 pages)
- Przesiewowe badanie słuchu Twojego dziecka (PDF, 235 KB, 8 pages)
- Dotyczy dzieci na oddziale specjalistycznej opieki neonatologicznej lub oddziale intensywnej terapii noworodka (NICU) (PDF, 212 KB, 8 pages)
- Lista kontrolna dotycząca słuchu dziecka (PDF, 321 KB, 2 pages)
Portuguese (Português)
- A visita do seu bebé à Clínica de Audiologia (clínica auditiva) (PDF, 667 KB, 8 pages)
- Rastreio auditivo do seu bebé (PDF, 237 KB, 8 pages)
- Rastreio auditivo do seu bebé Para bebés que receberam cuidados especiais ou intensivos (NICU) (PDF, 216 KB, 8 pages)
- Lista de verificação da audição na infância (PDF, 326 KB, 2 pages)
Romanian (Română)
- Vizita bebeluşului dumneavoastră la Clinica de audiologie (Clinica specializată pe probleme de auz) (PDF, 637 KB, 8 pages)
- Testarea auzului bebeluşului dumneavoastră (PDF, 235 KB, 8 pages)
- Testul de screening al bebeluşului dumneavoastră Pentru bebeluşii care au beneficiat de tratamente speciale sau de terapie intensivă (NICU) (PDF, 210 KB, 8 pages)
- Listă de control auz în perioada copilăriei (PDF, 319 KB, 2 pages)
Russian (pусский)
- Визит вашего ребенка в отделение аудиологии (отделение лечения нарушений слуха) (PDF, 642 KB, 8 pages)
- Аудиологический скрининг вашего ребенка (PDF, 226 KB, 8 pages)
- Аудиологический скрининг вашего ребенка Для малышей, которым требовался особый уход в отделении реанимации или интенсивной терапии новорожденных (PDF, 218 KB, 8 pages)
- Контрольный список развития слуха в детстве (PDF, 327 KB, 2 pages)
Spanish (Español)
- La visita de su bebé a la clínica audiológica (PDF, 684 KB, 8 pages)
- Prueba de cribado auditivo para su bebé (PDF, 251 KB, 8 pages)
- Prueba de cribado auditivo para su bebé Para bebés que han recibido cuidados especiales o intensivos (UCIN) (PDF, 230 KB, 8 pages)
- Lista de comprobación de la audición en la infancia (PDF, 326 KB, 2 pages)
Ukrainian (Український)
- Візит вашої дитини до відділення лікування порушень слуху (PDF, 661 KB, 8 pages)
- Аудіологічний скринінг вашої дитини (PDF, 234 KB, 8 pages)
- Аудіологічний скринінг для малюків, яким був потрібен особливий догляд у відділенні реанімації або інтенсивної терапії немовлят (PDF, 230 KB, 8 pages)
- Контрольний список розвитку слуху у дітей (PDF, 265 KB, 2 pages)