Coronary heart disease (CHD) is usually diagnosed after a risk assessment and tests.
Risk assessment
If your GP thinks you are at risk of CHD, they may do a risk assessment for cardiovascular disease, heart attack or stroke.
They will:
- ask about your medical and family history
- check your blood pressure
- ask you about your physical activity and if you smoke
- do a blood test to check your cholesterol
Your GP or practice nurse can do the blood test. They will tell you if you need to fast (not eat) before the test.
Further tests
Your GP may refer you for more tests to confirm a diagnosis of CHD.
These may include:
- electrocardiogram (ECG)
- exercise stress tests
- x-rays
- echocardiogram
- blood tests
- coronary angiography
- radionuclide scans
- MRI scans
- computerised tomography (CT) scans
Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE