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Symptoms - Breast cancer in men

The main symptom of breast cancer in men is a lump in the breast. The nipple or skin may also be affected.

Talk to your GP if you have a breast lump or any other symptoms that worry you.

It's very unlikely you have cancer, but it's best to get your symptoms checked.

Breast lump

Cancerous breast lumps usually:

  • only happen in 1 breast
  • grow under or around the nipple
  • are painless, but in rare cases they can hurt
  • feel hard or rubbery
  • do not move around within the breast
  • feel bumpy rather than smooth
  • get bigger over time

Most lumps and swellings are not a sign of cancer. They're usually caused by something fairly harmless, such as enlarged male breast tissue (gynaecomastia), a fatty lump (lipoma), or a fluid-filled bump (cyst).

A GP can check your lump and refer you for tests and scans for breast cancer if needed.

Other symptoms

Other signs of breast cancer in men include:

  • the nipple turning inwards
  • fluid oozing from the nipple (nipple discharge), which may be streaked with blood
  • a sore or rash around the nipple that does not go away
  • the nipple or surrounding skin becoming hard, red or swollen
  • small bumps in the armpit (swollen glands)

You may get further symptoms if the cancer spreads to other parts of your body, such as your bones, lungs or liver.

These symptoms can include:

  • feeling tired all the time
  • aching or painful bones
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling sick
  • itchy skin with yellowing of your skin and eyes (jaundice)

Page last reviewed: 15 November 2021
Next review due: 15 November 2024