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Extra support for parents

Some parents may need extra support in their parenting at different times.

Some common reasons people look for extra support include:

  • breastfeeding
  • caring for a child who has special needs or a long-term illness
  • a death in the family
  • relationship problems
  • behaviour issues

Talk to your GP or public health nurse. They can help you find the best support for you and your family.

Public health nurses can give you reliable information and advice about child and family health. They can also refer you to other sources of support in your local area, such as the Child and Family Agency (Tusla).

You can get personal advice online from breastfeeding experts that can help answer questions you may have.

Ask our breastfeeding expert

Extra support for parents - HSE (video)

The Child and Family Agency (Tusla)

The Child and Family Agency (Tusla) can put you in touch with a social worker if your family needs additional support.

Social workers and family support workers work closely with parents and children to find out what your family’s needs are, and to develop a plan to meet those needs.

The agency can also offer you support through:

  • parenting courses and family support services
  • Meitheal - a community-based support service for families
  • child and family support networks
  • marriage counselling
  • child counselling
  • bereavement counselling
  • family mediation - this is a free and confidential service that helps parents who have decided to separate or divorce

More information and tips are available from Tusla.

Parenting24seven -

Perinatal mental health services

Perinatal mental health services are available in all maternity units and hospitals.

They provide specialist support to women experiencing mental health problems during pregnancy, including up to the first year of their baby's life.

Your GP, midwife, doctor or psychiatrist can refer you to the service.

More support information

There are more services and support available for you and your family.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has a list of all helplines, parenting courses and information on Family Resource Centres.

Helplines, Parenting Courses and Advice -

Women's Aid

Women's Aid can help with women’s refuge centres.

Freephone: 1800 341 900


Barnardos help children and families who need extra support at times.

Phone: 01 453 0355

Citizens Information

Your local Citizens Information Centre can give you information on your benefits and entitlements.

Phone: 0818 07 4000

Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

MABS can help with financial problems and debt.

Phone: 0818 07 2000

Parenting advice for difficult days

Parenting together

Page last reviewed: 29 June 2022
Next review due: 29 June 2025