It is important to keep your details up to date. We can then keep in contact with you about your card. Let us know if your circumstances change, or if you want to change GP.
Change of address
Use our website to update the address on your medical card or GP visit card.
You can also email or contact us by post.
Medical card/ GP visit card scheme
Eligibility Unit
PO Box 11745
Dublin 11
You will need to give us:
- the name and PPS number for everyone on the card
- the name and PPS number for any dependants with their own cards who live with you
- a copy, scan or photo of a utility bill, rent agreement, bank statement or letter from a Government Department dated within 12 months
For any queries, phone 0818 22 44 78.
Change your GP
Download the Medical Card or GP Visit Card change of GP form (PDF, 309KB, 2 pages).
Download the Irish version of the form
Complete the form and get your GP to sign it.
Email the form to or post it to:
Eligibility Unit,
PO Box 11745,
Dublin 11
Change in employment status
You may be able to keep your medical card if you start full-time work after you have been unemployed for 12 months.
Go to keeping a medical card after unemployment for more information.
If there are any changes to your employment status, contact us.
Adding a child to a medical card
Phone 0818 22 44 78 or email with your child's:
- name
- date of birth
- PPS number
You will need to send us a copy of your child's:
- birth certificate
- PPS number
Do not send original documents.
Change in circumstances
A change in circumstance can affect your entitlement to a medical card or GP visit card.
These include:
- diagnosis of a serious medical condition
- recently becoming married, separated, or divorced
- recently becoming widowed
- your child or children no longer live with you
- you have a child under 6
- becoming over 70 years of age
If any of these or any other changes affect your entitlement to a medical or GP visit card, please let us know.
If you were previously refused a medical card, you might now be entitled to one. Please apply again.
If you have any questions phone 0818 22 44 78.