If you get Fair Deal funding, you can request a review of your financial assessment.
You also need to tell us if your circumstances change.
Get a financial review
You can request another financial review 12 months after your last review.
But we can review the financial assessment at any stage if there has been a change in your circumstances.
Get a care needs review
If your care needs assessment finds you do not need long-term care, you can apply for a review.
You can do this 6 months after the assessment, or earlier if there has been a change in your health or circumstances.
Changes in circumstances
You must tell us if you or your partner’s circumstances change.
Changes in circumstances include:
- the death of your partner or spouse
- an increase in income for you or your partner or spouse
- an increase in dividends from shares
- any extra rental income or rental of your home or properties
- the sale of an asset
- the legal settlement or receipt of compensation
- an increase in cash savings
- an addition to relevant assets such as an inheritance or beneficiary in a Will
- legal separation
- your family successor is unable to meet the 3-year cap commitments
You can be fined if you do not inform your local nursing homes support office of changes in circumstances within 10 working days.