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Why we move you to adult health services

When you get older, you will move from children’s health services to adult health services. This is called transition of care.

You usually start planning your transition to adult health services [link] around age 12. But it is a gradual process that happens over months.

Transition of care is different for everyone. But preparing and planning will help your transition go smoothly.

Why you have to move

As you get older, your team in children’s health services may not be able to give you the care you need.

You may also want to:

  • be seen in an environment that is more appropriate for your age
  • start making your own decisions about your health

Adult services can:

  • give you care that’s appropriate for your age
  • answer questions about topics such as college, travelling and sex

When you will move

You usually move to adult health services between ages 16 and 18.

But there is no exact age that is right for everyone. It depends on when you were diagnosed, your individual needs and your hospital’s policy.

In Ireland, you are admitted directly to adult emergency services if you are age 16 or older.

Differences in adult health services

When you are in adult health services, you are responsible for making your own health decisions. But your parents or guardian can still play a role in your health care.

In adult health services:

  • you can choose if you want your parents or guardians to go to your appointments
  • your parents or guardians will not have access to your health information without your consent
  • you will be the one to talk about your health and ask or answer questions

Getting support

Moving from a healthcare team you’ve been with for a long time may be daunting. But you will be supported throughout this process.

Your children's healthcare team will help you:

  • manage your condition
  • learn about your treatment
  • gain confidence to ask questions
  • get involved in decisions about your care
  • recognise when to get help and who to contact in an emergency
  • find out about support networks available

Some young people may need ongoing support and help with making decisions as adults.

For example, a family member or close friend you trust can:

  • help you understand the choices available to you
  • support you to make decisions

You can find more information on moving to adult health services online.

Making the move to adult health services -

Stepping Up

Page last reviewed: 9 September 2024
Next review due: 9 September 2027