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Diabetes support courses

Diabetes support courses are running both online and face-to-face.

Book your free place and we will contact you to let you know which local service is available.

Living with type 2 diabetes

Book your free place on a diabetes support course

You are not alone if you are diagnosed with diabetes. Currently there are about 225,000 people with diabetes in Ireland and the number is rising.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that you can learn to treat and manage yourself with your day to day choices. Poorly treated diabetes can cause serious health problems if it is not looked after.

The HSE supports a number of group courses for people with the condition. The courses can help you manage your diabetes and live a healthy life. Courses are run in local community or hospital venues.

The courses have lots of up to date information about many aspects of treating and living with your diabetes, including:

  • healthy eating
  • being active
  • managing weight
  • looking after your eyes and feet

Your GP may recommend you take part in a course as part of your treatment.

These courses are:

The courses available to you will depend on your location. Courses vary in length and when and where they are delivered.

Book your place on a free course

You can book a place online for the course that is available near you.

Places are given on a first come basis. You will be contacted with details of what is available as soon as possible after registering.

Do not worry if you need to arrive a little late to sessions. If you miss a session you can attend another on a future course.

Book your place on a course or call HSE Live on 1800 700 700 to get your local course booking telephone number. HSE Live are available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm.

Going online

If you are taking part in an online diabetes course that uses the 'webex' video call platform, watch this short video where dietitian Didi de Zwarte will describe how to use it.

How to prepare for your online course

If you want some help with working online, Age Action give free tutoring over the phone for those 55 years and over. You can call them on 01-4756989.

They will go through things like:

  • setting up and using an email address
  • using your smartphone
  • downloading and using apps
  • use of internet
  • whatsapp
  • zoom

Course details

Courses are:

  • free of charge - even if you do not have a medical card
  • suitable for people who are newly diagnosed or living with diabetes for many years
  • delivered by trained healthcare professionals
  • an opportunity to learn, freely ask questions and make plans to look after your diabetes
  • open for you to bring a family member, carer or friend for support

Courses are available in the morning, afternoon and some evenings. You can attend a course in any town or county. You do not have to go to your local one if you prefer not to.

All venues are accessible with:

  • parking
  • wheelchair access
  • toilet facilities

What to expect

Friendly dietitians and nurses will create a safe place for you to learn.

You will also meet other people with the condition. You can share experiences and learn from each other in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.

You are welcome to ask any questions you have or you can just sit and listen if you prefer.

You'll receive a free helpful guide for you to refer to at home.

Book your free place on a course

Free online education course

While you are waiting to complete a diabetes support course you can also take the ‘Diabetes Smart' course. This is a free short online course you can complete yourself. It is offered by Diabetes Ireland and is available at

The Diabetes Smart course can help you start learning about how you can treat and manage type 2 diabetes.

It is 55 minutes long and consists of a series of short videos on topics such as:

  • What is diabetes
  • Healthy eating
  • Physical activity
  • Medicines
  • Diabetes complications

It is a useful way to start understanding the condition and your key role in treating it.

Page last reviewed: 1 August 2020
Next review due: 1 August 2023

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 9.