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Diagnosis - Psychosis

Speak to your GP as soon as possible if you're experiencing symptoms of psychosis. Earlier treatment can be more effective.

Initial assessment

There's no test to diagnose psychosis. Your GP will ask about your symptoms and possible causes.

For example, they may ask about:

  • any medicines you are taking
  • any illegal substances you have been taking
  • your moods
  • your day-to-day functioning
  • your family mental health history
  • any hallucinations you may have had
  • any delusions you may have had
  • any other symptoms you have


Who you are referred to will depend on the services available in your area. You may be referred to a community mental health team.

These teams are likely to include the following healthcare professionals:

  • psychiatrist
  • psychologist
  • community mental health nurse
  • social worker
  • occupational therapist
  • dietitian

Your psychiatrist will do an assessment. This will help identify and diagnose any conditions that are causing your symptoms. This will help when planning your treatment for psychosis.

Helping others

A person may not want to visit their GP if they believe there's nothing wrong with them. You may need to help them get support and treatment.

Someone who has had psychotic episodes in the past may have a mental health worker. Try to contact them.

Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE

Page last reviewed: 1 September 2022
Next review due: 1 September 2025