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Causes - Mumps

Mumps is caused by the mumps virus.

When you get mumps, the virus moves from your nose, mouth and throat (respiratory tract) into your parotid glands. It begins to reproduce in the parotid glands. This causes the glands to swell.

How the mumps virus spreads

If you have mumps you can spread the virus by coughing or sneezing. This releases tiny droplets of contaminated (infected) saliva. Other people can inhale these droplets.

You can also spread mumps by touching your nose or mouth. You then transfer the virus onto an object. If someone touches the object, they can move the virus into their respiratory tract.

You are most infectious a few days before your parotid glands swell until a few days afterwards.

If you have mumps, you should avoid work or school for 5 days after you first get symptoms.

You can have mumps and have no obvious symptoms. You can still pass on the virus.

Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE

Page last reviewed: 14 April 2024
Next review due: 14 April 2027

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 123.