Feeling sick (nausea) is common and usually goes away on its own.
Tips to stop you feeling sick
There are some things you can do or avoid doing to help ease nausea.
get plenty of fresh air
sip a cold drink - some people find fizzy drinks work best
try ginger or peppermint tea
eat something with ginger in it - for example, ginger biscuits
eat small meals often
try to distract yourself - for example, listen to music or watch a film
do not eat or cook food with a strong smell
do not eat spicy, fried or greasy food
do not eat too quickly
do not have a large drink with a meal
do not lie down soon after eating
do not wear clothes that are tight around your waist or tummy
Make sure to drink enough fluid if you are getting sick (vomiting). You might be at higher risk of dehydration.
Non-urgent advice: Contact your GP if you:
- do not feel better in a few days
- feel sick a lot - it keeps coming back
They may prescribe anti-sickness medicine if needed.
Emergency action required: Call 112 or 999 if you feel sick suddenly and have:
- chest pain that feels tight or heavy
- pain that spreads to your arms, back, neck or jaw
- shortness of breath
This could be a heart attack.
Common causes of feeling sick
Feeling sick is a symptom of many conditions and is usually nothing serious.
Your GP can help you find the cause if your symptoms do not improve. They may recommend treatment depending on the cause.
Common causes of nausea include:
- motion sickness
- infections such as norovirus or flu
- morning sickness during pregnancy
- food poisoning
- migraine
- vertigo
Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE