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If your child has COVID-19

This advice is for babies and children up to 18-years-old.

There is separate advice for children who have symptoms of COVID-19.

If your child tests positive

If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they should:

  • stay at home for 3 full days from the day their symptoms started
  • avoid contact with other people

If your child did not have symptoms, they should stay at home for 3 days from the day they tested positive.

How long your child should stay at home

Your child can leave home and return to normal activities after 3 days if they feel well and do not have a high temperature (38 degrees Celsius or higher).

It's OK for them to return to school or childcare after 3 days if they still have mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat or slight cough. This is as long as they are otherwise well.

People your child lives with

People your child lives with who are at high risk of illness from COVID-19 should take extra care. There is a higher risk they could get the virus. If they develop symptoms, they should contact their GP.

Returning to school or childcare after having COVID-19

Your child can return to school or childcare when both of these apply:

  • they have not had a high temperature (38 degrees Celsius or over) or other symptoms for 48 hours

  • it has been 3 days since they first developed symptoms

To return to school or childcare your child:

  • does not need to do another test

  • does not need to show a negative test result

  • does not need a GP cert or a note from a GP

Page last reviewed: 9 February 2024