Drinks calculator
Use our drinks calculator to find out how your drinking affects your health, wallet and weight.
In an average week you are drinking 0 standard drinks. A pub measure of spirits is slightly more than 1 standard drink. Rounding up of standard drinks will apply if you entered more than 8 pub measures of spirits.
How much do you drink each week?
- Add the amount using the + and -
- Include how much you spend on drink weekly
- Once you've added them all, click CALCULATE
Select your gender:
There are some situations where you should avoid alcohol completely. If you are pregnant no amount of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is safe for your baby. Find out more about alcohol and pregnancy
How many alcoholic drinks do you have per week?
Standard Drinks
Standard Drink
0Please note all information is anonymous.
You are over the recommended weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines and are putting yourself at risk of harm. Read more about weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines
You are under the recommended weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines. Low-risk drinking reduces the risk of alcohol-related problems. Read more about weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines
Drinking within the recommended weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines has long-term benefits.
The benefits include reducing your risk of:
- high blood pressure and strokes
- depression
- anxiety
- 7 kinds of cancer
- liver disease
- many other alcohol-related conditions
In a year you could You have not specified a weekly cost
You have not specified a weekly cost
Your drinking equals to 0 calories

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* This drinks calculator is based on a number of assumptions and estimates to give an indication of alcohol consumption based on the information provided.
Nutritional Information taken from The Composition of Foods, Sixth Summary edition. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. The calorie estimate does not take into account any other drinks mixed with the alcoholic drink.