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Health and development checks: 1 to 2 years

Your child will get more vaccines and another developmental check between 1 and 2 years.

12 months

Visit your GP or GP practice nurse for your baby's fourth round of vaccines.

13 months

Go to your GP or GP practice nurse for your baby's fifth round of vaccines.

21 to 24 month developmental check

At this check your public health nurse (PHN) will talk to you about your child's development and any concerns you may have. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire that will help them assess if your child is developing as expected.

Your PHN will also check your child's general health.

This includes:

  • dental health
  • general physical examination
  • growth monitoring

Your child will get all of the following:

  • a physical examination - including eyes, ears, genitalia, limbs and breathing
  • check testicles - this is to make sure they have moved down into the scrotum (this is called testicular descent) if your baby was born a boy
  • posture and large movements checked - for example if your child can walk alone, carry toys while walking, kick a ball or begin to run
  • fine movements checked - including if your child can pick up small objects, sort shapes by size and colour, drink from a cup and feed themselves with a spoon
  • more in-depth hearing assessment - including checking if your child can point to a few body parts when asked, follow simple commands and understand simple questions, stories, songs and rhymes
  • speech development checked - including if your child can say more words every month, put 2 to work together and understand some 1 or 2-word questions
  • a general social, emotional, behavioural and play development check - including if your child shows more independence or gets separation anxiety (extreme anxiety about being separated from parent or other care giver) and shows emotion, including any defiant behaviour

Your PHN will talk to you about:

If you or your PHN have any concerns, they may check your child again to see if everything is okay.

Your PHN may refer your child to a specialist if they think further assessment is needed.

Page last reviewed: 20 November 2018
Next review due: 20 November 2021

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 123.