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Health and development checks: 6 to 12 months

After 6 months, most health check appointments are about your baby's development.

At 6 months

Go to your GP or GP practice nurse for your baby’s third round of vaccines.

Read more about your child's vaccines

9 to 11 months

Your PHN will check your baby’s physical, social and behavioural development.

Your baby will get all of the following:

  • physical examination - including eyes, ears, genitalia, limbs, breathing and fontanelle (the soft spot on your baby’s head)
  • check testicles - this is to make sure they have moved down into the scrotum if your baby was born a boy (this is called testicular descent)
  • responses - including your baby’s alertness, if they smile and other facial interactions
  • posture and large movements - for example sitting and crawling, including if your baby sits with or without support and if they can support their weight on their legs
  • fine movements - including if your baby pokes at objects with their index finger or uses their hands to rake objects
  • in-depth hearing assessment - including checking if your baby listens when spoken to, responds to requests and enjoys games like peek-a-boo
  • speech development - including if your baby babbles, uses gestures to communicate or copies different speech sounds
  • social, emotional, behavioural and play development - including if your baby responds to people’s expressions and takes interest in their own reflection in a mirror

Your PHN will talk to you about:

  • your child's development
  • your child's diet and sleep
  • child safety, as your baby might now be more mobile
  • any concerns you have

They will also check your baby’s:

  • dental health
  • growth monitoring

Further checks

If you or your PHN have any concerns:

  • they will ask you or your child to come back for another check
  • they might also refer you and your child to a specialist for further assessment

Page last reviewed: 18 December 2022
Next review due: 18 December 2025

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 123.